Deep Restoration Retreat (Restorative Yoga + Yoga Nidra)

Wendy has developed a staged method of gently guiding into active relaxation by using breath, gentle, slow and deliberate movement as well as nervous system regulation techniques - before focussing on complete restoration by consciously letting go of tension in the body through the practice of not moving.

Restorative Yoga uses an extensive number of props which are carefully arranged, and sometimes rearranged many times, in order to provide a personalised comfortable and supportive environment for the body. This will allow the practitioner to remain in poses for an extended period of time without strain, and for the nourishment of rest to be received fully.

The primary goal of Restorative Yoga is deep relaxation through the extensive use of supportive props, complete comfort, darkness, stillness and quiet so that practitioners can experience a profound sense of ease, stress reduction and calming of the nervous system by the reduction of external stimuli.

This method is particularly helpful for practitioners who are highly sensitive, are over stimulated or easily overwhelmed by sight, sound or touch. The practice can be helpful for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety and burnout (very complimentary to most general medical treatments or talking therapies).

These sessions hold a space for the participants of any level of physical ability or Yoga experience to enter into a state of deep relaxation to offer a complete rest for body and mind.

Many people find that Restorative Yoga not only releases physical tension but also provides an opportunity for emotional release. The meditative and calming nature of the practice can help individuals process and let go of emotional stress. Unlike other practices Restorative Yoga provides periods of time without instruction, or verbal guidance from the teacher – offering spaciousness for one’s own felt experiences and personal journey.

Wendy will finish the session with a Yoga Nidra specifically written for rejuvenation after restoration and to begin the externalisation process in stages, with plenty of time to return to a fully wakeful state before ending.


About Restorative Yoga.

True relaxation is emotional, mental, psychological and physiological. Stress experienced in any one of these areas will result in a felt sense of dis-ease.

Restorative Yoga is generally, a practice of not moving, where props are used to support the body in a place of comfort and ease to facilitate overall health.

I offer:

  • Private Restorative Yoga sessions at my home in Essex, UK

  • Small group Restorative Yoga (4 persons) at my home in Essex, UK

  • Group workshops in Essex, UK

  • Retreats in the UK and abroad

Anyone can attend a Restorative Yoga session, no experience or own equipment is required.

The practice is generally non-moving but sometimes can include some gentle restorative movement as well as Yoga Nidra, and therefore is suitable for bodies in all states of health and mobility.

Private & Group Sessions.

Restorative Yoga is a practice of rest.

In a Restorative Yoga session, depending on the client, a small amount of Restorative movement may be offered - but this is mostly a non-moving practice.

Although Restorative Yoga can be a weekly (or even daily) practice, it works very well as scheduled time each month, or half term, for self care. Akin to having a massage, of other type of holistic therapy where there are felt benefits for your state of health.

During the Restorative Yoga Sessions that I hold at my home, the only thing that my clients need is the willingness to do Restorative Yoga. My skill in this area is to manipulate your nervous system into relaxation, creating an overall balancing effect in the body.

It is part of our survival mechanism for the nervous system to switch into sympathetic dominance (fight mode) in an immediate flood, and this is what will give our bodies the ability to get out of danger.

However, if you living with a constant perceived sense of danger then this ‘fight mode’ state never gets switched off, and could be the root cause of anxiety, sleep issues and general uneasiness.

If you are interested to book a private or group session please email me for availability and fee information.