What People Are Saying


“I have dipped my toe into yoga a few times but Wendy really is quite special. I have been to her classes in Blackmore and have had private restorative yoga session and it is truly the most relaxed I have ever been. I suffer from migraines and have tried acupuncture and massage but the restorative yoga is the only thing that actually helps, its like magic. Wendy you are amazing. Thank you.”

— N Ann, 2022

“Having been introduced by Wendy to Yoga a few years ago, I was so excited to see she was starting a new class in Blackmore! I wasn’t disappointed, Wendy had created a calming, warm atmosphere in the room. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, left feeling stretched and rejuvenated! Wendy’s way of explaining movements is clear to follow and makes this class suitable and welcoming to all levels. Highly recommended.”

— Leigh L, 2022

“Thank you Wendy. The ambiance you created was amazing. A perfect mixture of yoga moves and relaxation. I came out feeling very relaxed and energised.”

— Nicky C, 2022

“Wendy, wanted to thank you for all your yoga classes over the last few months. Although you teach us medics here in New Zealand, as a group I always feel supported and despite being new to this never feel out of my depth as you cater to all our abilities. Flexibility, sleep and energy levels have all noticeably improved which I am in no doubt is a result of your classes. Please keep doing what you are doing!”

— Ian H, 2021

“Something that has really stood out for me over the 4 Nidras that Wendy has created for me, is that each Nidra has offered me a completely different experience, and has taken me to a different place. The third Nidra, Stars and Goddesses, took me on a journey unlike the previous two Nidras. Again, I cannot tell you the exact wording as this Nidra took me to what seemed like a dreamy place that felt safe, secure, and strengthening. I felt protected and fortified by the women, and I remember very strongly that I didn't want to leave. When Wendy was finishing the Nidra, I kept slipping back into a place amongst large, old and comforting trees, it was so nice!!!! What really struck me during this Nidra, was that yet again, Wendy had made this experience uniquely shaped to my emotions and feelings that day. I felt fortified and so strong after this Nidra, it was as if I was surrounded by wisdom and strength. A very beautiful Nidra.

For our final Nidra, I had started the day feeling very anxious and rather blue in general. Some days I feel quite angry with the world, and turn this inwards into an aggressive anxiety. Wendy asked me to choose an affirmation that rang true for me, that I could identify with on this particular day. The Nidra that Wendy created from this helped me immensely. I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, I felt refreshed, as if my anxiety had been rinsed away. The level of personal tailoring that Wendy can achieve with a one to one Nidra really is something very special. She understands with a greater depth the emotions and feelings that are moving within you on that day. I only need say a few words and Wendy can understand everything that is attached to those words.


I feel very very honoured to have been given this gift. The Nidras have helped me so much, and will continue to do so. Thank you Wendy.  .”

— LH, 2021

“Well where do I start? We SO enjoyed our class with you today, thank you. I think you are some kind of witch (a nice one) as you seem to know every ache, pain and difficultly I face. I feel like I’ve found something I’ve been looking for all my life and that’s you as I’ve tried yoga many times and not enjoyed it. Anyway I can’t wait to see what my back is like in the morning.”

— Private client, 2018