Hi, I’m Wendy.

I am a Yoga Teacher, Interior Designer, Vegetarian Cook and Mother to three living in a little village in Essex, England.

I do Yoga as a way of feeling good, and as a way to get some really needed rest. Being a mum is tiring! I’ve been practicing Yoga since 2001 and started my teaching journey in 2010. I now look for ways to be able to incorporate Yoga into my everyday.

You can find out more about how I’m doing this and other things I’m doing on my Facebook or Instagram pages.

About Me.

My group classes, recorded classes and workshops offer a time and space to gently move, stretch and relax with the intention to leave you feeling rejuvenated without depletion. A great compliment to more intense workout regimes and stressful lives.

My method involves soothing the nervous system and coming into very relaxed states using a mixture of mobilisation, gentle movement, Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) and non-moving Yoga (Restorative Yoga) to get there - or sometimes just the use of one of these techniques on their own.

Love Wendy x

My Qualifications

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